EarthConnection, a ministry of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, is a center for learning and reflection about living lightly on Earth. Aware of the interconnectedness of all of Creation, we seek to integrate spirituality and sustainability through programs in sustainable agriculture, alternative energies, eco-justice, and eco-spirituality. EarthConnection can offer programs on our site or yours on a variety of Earth-related topics.

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We are living in very difficult times, times of great uncertainty. I can write about all that is wrong in the world today, but I think that at this moment, we need to have hope, so I would like to begin this blog with a parable from the Native American tradition.
A long time ago, before anyone can remember, the peoples of Earth lived in harmony with each other and with all of the Great Spirit’s creation. But gradually, they separated themselves from the oneness they knew, and the elders became greatly concerned because they understood that the gift of living in harmony was no longer being followed. They gathered in Council and decided to gather up this gift and hide it until the people were once again ready to receive and respect it.
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STEP UP YOUR SUSTAINABILITY QUOTIENT (The material for this blog is taken from the following website: WE all know the common R’s of Sustainability: Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling. Today…
Why a More Plant-based Diet?
Every day there is news about the effects of climate change…severe droughts, flooding, fires, catastrophic storms, etc. Our planet is in serious trouble and the behavior of human beings is…
“Of all the dangers
we face, from climate chaos to nuclear war, none is so great as the deadening of our response.”
Joanna Macy