At the border

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At the border…

Spending time on the Texas/Mexican border working with those seeking asylum during the advent season was, perhaps, one of the best preparations for Christmas. In the eyes of the men, women and children seeking shelter I could see so clearly the face of Jesus whose parents were also seeking a place of refuge. Hundreds of parents, pouring into shelters daily fleeing hunger and violence, seek only a place to raise their children in peace; a place where there is enough food to eat and opportunities to learn. They have walked for days and months, sacrificed everything they have ever known out of love for their children only to end up crammed into detention centers sleeping on the floor.

Their stories tear at your heart and I found myself continually asking, “How can we treat people like this? How can we call ourselves Christians and yet deny others basic human rights?” I don’t have any answers because I do not understand. I keep wondering that if others really knew their stories if it would make a difference.

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so people have entertained angels unawares. (Hebrews 13:3) This quote has taken on such meaning in my life. I pray that I may continue to be open to entertaining the angels who have entered and will continue to enter my life. I pray also for our country whose attitudes and policies cause such pain and grief to so many. Jesus has come and continues to come daily. How will we as a country respond to the Christ Child among us?

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