Topic: Why It’s Important to Care for Creation
Creation is a strange concept if we think about it. For instance, Merriam-Webster tells us that creation is, “The act of bringing the world into ordered existence.”
Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years
The publication of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson in 1962 brought into the open the true cost of the Industrial Revolution on Planet Earth. The book sold more than 500,000…
Angel of the Amazon
We are all called to care for God’s creation. For some of us it might involve a minor inconvenience such as learning to recycle or to remember to carry our…
Around the Landscape
In recent years the landscaping around the front of EarthConnection (EC) has consisted of those native wild flower plants we planted, e.g., Purple Cone Flower, Black-eyed Susan, Daylilies, Bee Balm,…