Season of Creation 2018
We invite you to watch the video from Pope Francis and to download the EarthConnection Season of Creation calendar – click here. From September 1 to October 4, Christians around…
Reverence for Life
It is difficult to read the news these days. The rhetoric that surrounds us is increasingly becoming less tolerant and more violent. Headlines about school shootings, a lone gunman opening…
Visit to Ghana
Sister of Charity Associate Father John Amankwah, a professor at Mt. St. Joseph University, is originally from Ghana in West Africa. He established a 501 C-3 called International Mission for…
An Ecological Examination of Conscience
The season of Lent is a time for personal reflection. It is often a time of penance when some choose to fast and others try to give something up that…
The Wisdom Within
The late Canadian-American anthropologist, Anthony Wallace, posited the idea that we are living in a “Revitalization Moment”. He said there were four distinct stages to this moment: Stage One –…