S. Winnie Brubach, is the facilities coordinator for EarthConnection. “I take care of the building and grounds and provide a variety of tours,” she said. “Most of our visitors are from the College and Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. The students are very interested in the building itself, which features solar heating, solar electricity, natural lighting, super-insulated walls and windows, floor tiles made of waste glass, a wall made of aluminum cans, and carpeting constructed from recycled plastic bottles.”

Caroljean Willie, Ph.D.,a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, a Master’s Degree in Reading and a Ph.D. in Multicultural Education. She has extensive experience working cross-culturally throughout the United States, the Caribbean, Africa, Europe, Asia, South and Central America as an environmental educator, teacher-trainer and cultural diversity consultant. Before becoming program director at EarthConnection, she served two terms of office as the NGO representative at the United Nations for the Sisters of Charity Federation and continues to work with microfinancing projects in Africa..