In this presentation hosted by EarthConnection, artist, filmmaker, and educator Imogene Drummond explores the exciting possibility of creating Cosmogenesis through art. Imogene demonstrates how her holistic Art Sparks Cosmic Creativity and Well-Being Program facilitates diverse participants to create cosmogenesis. The transformative art program has had remarkable results with both fifth graders in school and adults online in strengthening their personal creativity, self-worth, and connection with the Cosmos.
Hildegard of Bingen
She was a German Benedictine abbess active as a writer, composer, philosopher, mystic, visionary, and a medical writer and practitioner. Although Hildegard lived in the 12th century, her insights about the Church and society are very contemporary and have much to offer us today. She is one of only four female doctors of the Church.
“Climate change is the single greatest threat to a sustainable future but, at the same time, addressing the climate challenge presents a golden opportunity to promote prosperity, security, and a brighter future for all.” (Ban Ki-Moon, former UN General Secretary) This presentation is designed to look at sustainability and climate change issues with our eyes wide open, acknowledge the realities, and then, through the lens of our faith, work together towards solutions.
“Ecospirituality through the Eyes of an Artist” – Part I
In these presentations, Imogene Drummond will share how her growing awareness of our integral connection with the Universe influenced the development of her art in diverse media, including film, video installation, and an educational program that combines Self-worth, Creativity, and the Cosmos.
More than 100 sisters and associates from the 14 congregations in the Sisters of Charity Federation in the United States and Canada gathered for “Boundless Charity Embraces Earth: The Company of Charity and the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.”
Sister Colette Kane, OP, the director of An Tairseach will take us on a tour of their organic farm and share the numerous ways they are a model of sustainability and how they share their expertise through their website and programs extending from a single day to a 10-week Sabbatical.
Presenter: Dr. Kathleen Downey, MD (Kathleen is a recently retired Associate Clinical Professor of Clinical and Community Medicine at the University of Cincinnati. In addition to her work at UC, she has also practiced in Alaska, on the Navaho Reservation, in New Zealand, Guatemala, and the Dominica Republic.)
“Plastic Pollution Prevention: From the Ohio River to Your Home”
Presenter: Susan Vogt (Susan is a national speaker and writer on environmental sustainability and local coordinator of the Pachamama Alliance Symposiums)
Elizabeth Ann Seton – Global Woman
S. Cj gives a presentation on Elizabeth Ann Seton
Living in our Bioregions – how the environmental conditions of our bioregion may help us to live responsibly as members of our local and natural communities. Presenter: Sister Gertie Jocksch, SC (Halifax)